What would it take to succumb to the belonging that is ours?
To succumb to the Truth of who we are?
To the sense of worthiness that is, and always was, ours without the need to lift even a little finger.
What is it that doesn’t allow us to see the Truth? To remain with our eyes closed, moving blindly through our lives, not even knowing that we are not seeing? What is the force that, in our blindness, would have us continually project our inner worlds on to everything and everyone around us, never really seeing each other for who we are?
What is it that is needed to break the spell of our blindness that prevents us from seeing the Truth? What is needed to be here now, Eyes Wide Open, seeing clearly ourselves and others, choosing each next step of our life freely and clearly?
I am in ongoing inquiry and contemplation of these questions. I study myself and the people I work with who share their stories with me. I look at the world around me and the incessant turning of a wheel of blindness breeding blindness and the mental, emotional, and physical carnage that ensues. And I see how it passes from generation to generation, the blindness becoming ever more inculcated…
And yet, this is not the whole story.
Many are called to Remember the Truth of who we are, wake up from the blindness and begin to see, and take responsibility for the messes we have made in our not-seeing.
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to guide another group of women deep into the Heart and into Mother Nature’s healing arms to inquire upon these questions. We dropped into Silence and into listening to the Soul’s gentle guidance. We opened to the inner voice of Intuition that is always there, should we listen, urging us towards seeing the Truth of our Belonging and the deep inner relaxation that it brings.
Together we walk each other Home.